

オックスフォード大学からの留学生 (左)を受け入れた耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸外科学講座の梅野教授 (右)
オックスフォード大学からの留学生 (左)を受け入れた耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸外科学講座の梅野教授 (右)

本学医学部医学科は、2019年にJACME (一般社団法人 日本医学教評価機構:我が国の医学教育の質を国際的見地から保証することを目的とした機関)による厳しい医学教育分野別評価実地調査を受審し、国際的な評価基準に適合していることが認定されました。


協定校以外でも、2022年度には、世界屈指の名門校である英国オックスフォード大学やオーストリアで2番目の規模である名門グラーツ大学、2023年度には、「THE世界大学ランキング2023」で10位の評価を受けるイギリスImperial College Londonなどから留学生を受け入れてきました。


韓国の建陽大学からの留学生と医学教育研究センター国際交流部門長 溝口恵美子教授
韓国の建陽大学からの留学生と医学教育研究センター国際交流部門長 溝口恵美子教授



  • 2024

    • Brown University(USA)1名


      Brown University(USA)
    • Cambridge University(UK)1名


      Cambridge University(UK)
  • 2023

    • Universitas Airlangga (Indonesia)1名

      内科学 (腎臓内科部門)講座

      Universitas Airlangga (Indonesia)
    • Furman University (USA)1名


      Furman University (USA)
    • Konyang University (South Korea)2名

      整形外科 / 胸部外科

      Konyang University (South Korea)
    • University of Szeged (Hungary)1名

      神経内科 / 脳神経外科

      University of Szeged (Hungary)
    • Konyang University (South Korea)3名

      耳鼻咽喉科 / 頭頸部外科学講座

      Konyang University (South Korea)
    • Imperial College London (UK)1名

      内科学 (内分泌代謝内科部門)

      Imperial College London (UK)
    • Jacobs University Bremen (Germany)1名


      Jacobs University Bremen (Germany)
    • Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Malaysia)1名


      Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Malaysia)
    • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy)1名


      Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy)
    • Kiel University (Germany)1名


      Kiel University (Germany)
    • Keimyung University (South Korea)1名


      Keimyung University (South Korea)
    • Hanyang University (South Korea)1名


      Hanyang University (South Korea)
  • 2022

    • University of Oxford (UK)1名

      小児科学講座、耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科学講座、外科学 (小児外科部門)講座

      University of Oxford (UK)
    • University of Graz (Austria)2名


      University of Graz (Austria)
    • Charles University (Czech Republic)1名


      Charles University (Czech Republic)
    • Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Malaysia)2名

      外科学講座 (消化器外科部門)

      Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Malaysia)
  • 2020 2021

    • 新型コロナウイルス感染症 (COVID-19)の感染拡大に伴い交流見合わせ

  • 2019

    • Brown University (USA)1名


      Brown University (USA)
    • Konyang University (South Korea)3名


      Konyang University (South Korea)
    • Hasanuddin University (Indonesia)2名


      Hasanuddin University (Indonesia)


2022年度から、医学教育研究センター国際交流部門の部門長に就任することになりました医学部免疫学講座教授の溝口恵美子でございます。国際医学交流部門は、2018年に医学教育研究センター内に発足いたしました。この度、初代交流部門長であった、本学医学部免疫学講座主任教授 溝口充志先生の後任 (2代目)として就任することになりました。

現在、久留米大学は、18カ国35校と大学間協定を結んでいます。中でも、私が在米中から共同研究を続けてきた米国ブラウン大学の前医学部長を介して、久留米大学関係者の多大なるご協力とご支援のもと、両校の大学間協定締結 (2018年1月)に貢献させていただけたことは望外の喜びです。遡れば、福沢諭吉がジョン万次郎の勧めで大学のシステムなどを学び、後に開校した慶應義塾大学のイメージの参考にしたのがブラウン大学で、古くから日本とのゆかりがある伝統校といえます。Brown-Kurume Exchange Programsを通じて、毎年ブラウン大学側から4名、久留米大学側から2名の交換留学を行っていく予定です。アメリカ以外にも、2018年11月には、スリランカのスリジャヤワルナプラ大学とも大学間協定を結び、さらに2019年月5月には韓国建陽大学医学部から3名、2019年9月にはインドネシアのグナダルマ大学医学部から2名の研修生を受け入れています。これからも、海外の医学部生と円滑な交流を続けていきたいと心より願っています。


本学は、2019年にJACMEによる厳しい医学教育分野別評価実地調査を受審し、評価基準に適合していることが認定されました。よって、今後はEMSWP (ECFMG Medical School Web Portal)での確認・認証の手続きは全てウェブ上で完結できることになりました。私は、2021年9月に医学部長よりEMSWP担当責任者として任命されました。今後は、各種の認証手続きを迅速かつ確実に推進し、久留米大学卒業生のアメリカでの臨床研修を現実のものとしていきたいと思っています。これまでに、本学USMLE受験予定者より多数の手続き上の質問を受けており、USMLE Step1・ Step2受験に関するポイントをこのウエブサイト内にて総括して適切なアドバイスをしていく予定です。



溝口 恵美子

Greeting from the Chair

I’m Emiko Mizoguchi, M.D., Ph.D., a Professor in the Department of Immunology at Kurume University School of Medicine (KUSM), who has been appointment as the Chair of the International Affairs Division of Medicine in the Center for the Study of Medical Education (CSME) since April 1st, 2022. This Division was established in 2018 within the CSME. This time, I have been appointed as the successor (the second Chair) of Professor Atsushi Mizoguchi, the Chairman of the Department of Immunology at KUSM, who was the first Chair of this Division.

Currently, Kurume University has inter-university exchange agreements with 35 schools in 18 countries. Above all, through the former Dean of Medicine at Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School (Providence, USA), where I have been conducting joint-collaborative research since I was in the US, accompanied with the great cooperation and support of Kurume University officials, the agreement between the two universities was signed on January 1st, 2018. It is an unexpected joy for me to have contributed to this inter-university agreements.

Through the Brown-Kurume Exchange Programs, we plan to exchange 4 clinical-internship students from Brown University and 2 basic research students from Kurume University every year. In addition to the US, in November 2018, we signed an inter-university agreement with Sri Jayewardenepura University (Nugegoda, Sri Lanka), and we also accepted medical trainees including 3 students from the Konyang University School of Medicine (Nonsan, South Korea) in May 2019 and 2 students from Guna Dharma University School of Medicine (Jakarta, Indonesia) in September 2019. I sincerely hope that I would like to contribute to have smooth exchanges with overseas medical students.

It has been a long time since it is pointed out that Japanese people are away from studying abroad, but while actually interacting with medical students through the lectures and practical training classes at KUSM, there are those who strongly wish to try their potential abilities from a global perspective of studying abroad. I have been very surprised that there are so many students who have wishes as shown above. Through the focus on pre- and post-graduate medical English education, we need to consider sending excellent students and researchers to study abroad at cutting-edge research facilities in Europe and the US, which may contribute to the development of basic researchers that are directly linked to clinical practice in the future. In particular, I would like to provide an opportunity to cultivate original and unique ideas, which is the most important stance as a doctor with a global perspective, through interacting with multi-national students and researchers by studying abroad.

Unfortunately, since February 2020, the new coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 has forced the international exchange programs to stagnate. However, in early 2022, the world’s corona border policy has been relaxing lockdown measures gradually. In 2022, we plan to accept 1 student from the University of Oxford School of Medicine (Oxford, UK), and 2 students from the University of Graz (Graz, Austria), the second largest prestigious university in Austria.

In 2019, KUSM underwent a vigorous field-based evaluation survey by JACME (Japan Accreditation Council for Medical Education) and was certified as conforming to the evaluation criteria on February 1st, 2021 for another 7 years. Therefore, all the confirming/authentication procedures on the EMSWP (ECFMG Medical School Web Portal) can be completed on the website. I have been appointed as the EMSWP general managing officer by the Dean of Medicine at KUSM in September 2021. From now on, I would like to promote various certification procedures promptly and efficiently, and make it a reality of clinical training for Kurume University graduates in the US in the very near future. We have received a number of procedural questions from prospective USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination) test-candidates at KUSM, and therefore we plan to summarize the points related to the USMLE step 1 and step 2ck (clinical knowledge) testes on this website and provide appropriate point-by-point advice.

Finally, I hope that the International Affairs Division of Medicine will be a bridge that facilitates joint research and exchange of opinions with overseas medical schools. Taking advantage of my 24 years of experience in the US, I will continue to make efforts to improve the global recognition of Kurume University by stabilizing the exchange student system and further revitalizing international exchange programs.

We would be extremely grateful for your continued cooperation.

Sincerely yours,
Emiko Mizoguchi, M.D., Ph.D.